ISDM CDSSI Fellowship 2024-25: Digital Open Solutions (DOS) for Social Impact

The ISDM CDSSI Fellowship 2024-25: Digital Open Solutions (DOS) for Social Impact offers Fellows the unique opportunity to develop Digital Public Goods (DOS) to address the needs of the social sector. These DOS will be accessible to the general public, individuals, organisations, and other development sector stakeholders.


Fellowship Details

  • 5 projects will be selected to participate in a 12-month-long Fellowship.
  • Fellows can participate either individually or in teams. Teams should submit one application, collectively.
  • Each Fellowship project must possess:
    1. data science skills
    2. deep social sector understanding

    Individual Fellows should possess both skillsets. For Fellows applying as a team, these skillsets can be distributed among members. For example, Team Member #1 may bring rich data science expertise, while Team Member #2 may bring years of experience in the social sector.

  • Mentor-guided Fellowship: A senior mentor will guide the Fellow(s). Fellows must identify the mentors they want to work with (industry professionals, academics, social/public sector professionals, etc).
  • Real-life data: The DOS will be crafted using open/public data or data owned by a Social Purpose Organisation (SPOs such as NGOs, non-profit organisations, social enterprises, etc.). If the DOS project is based on data from an SPO, Fellows must obtain the datasets directly from the SPO.
CDSSI Fellows
  • The deadline for submitting applications is 29th January 2024.

  • The ISDM CDSSI Fellowship 2024-25: Digital Open Solutions (DOS) for Social Impact commences on 15th March 2024.

  • Each Fellowship project will be granted a remuneration of INR 12 lakhs. This sum will be distributed among the Fellow(s) involved in the project.

India First of its Kind Institute for Development Management