
ISDM's philosophy is to constantly evolve and grow together by learning from one another! We value people, learning, partnerships, relationships, sustainability, and stewardship.

Why you should work at ISDM

Equal opportunities for employment

ISDM is an equal-opportunity organization with a particular emphasis on affirmative action. We value diversity and do not discriminate on the basis of religion, caste, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other trait protected by law and human rights. The culture of the organization is one of professionalism while also one that greatly values relationships.

Equal opportunities for employment
Safe Working Environment 

We at ISDM respect and recognize the right to a safe and inclusive workplace. Any form of workplace harassment is not tolerated at ISDM. We are committed to fostering an environment of kindness where everyone can flourish. 

Workplace free of harassment
Workplace free of harassment
Commitment to well-being
Commitment to well-being

ISDM promotes a culture of collaboration and upholds a commitment to work-life balance for the well-being of our employees. We pride ourselves on being a nonhierarchical organization that fosters a work environment devoid of any bureaucracy.

Current job openings

ISDM seeks to engage and work with some of the best minds to achieve its vision. We work relentlessly to create a work place culture based on respect, equity, compassion and integrity within the organisation across various teams and verticals.

Here are the open positions at ISDM presently. Please look through to find what excites you. 

Send us your resume at [email protected]

India First of its Kind Institute for Development Management