What Are SDGs? A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Development Goals

| 25 October, 2024
What Are SDGs? A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Development Goals
Published: 25 October, 2024
What Are SDGs? A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Development Goals

Today, humanity exists in an interconnected globe with severe collective problems such as climate change or poverty/inequalities. The United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a reference to address such conflicts and give better lives for people in all areas of our planet. Their main aim is to tackle these challenges along with others to make the world more sustainable for future generations. But what exactly are these SDGs, and what benefit can we or the environment get from them? Well, here we will discuss the same and cover their aim, objectives, importance, and more.

Sustainable Development Goals Meaning

There are 17 goals defined in SDGs and they are focused on the sustainable development of our future generations. These are designed explicitly for poverty eradication, environmental protection, and the promotion of our well-being. The SDGs meaning is no longer confined with terms like goals- they have been taken as a blueprint for sustainable development that lasts.

The Evolution of SDGs from MDGs

MDGs, formed in 2000, were focused on reducing poverty, mortality and lack of education in developing nations. MDGs were successful to an extent. However, there were some issues related to the way they were implemented. Later on, in 2015, SDGs came into action with motivation similar to that of MDGs. This sustainable development project is more inclusive as it embraces both developing and developed countries. The SDGs were created with the conviction that every nation will have to participate in the achieving of these goals thus leading toward sustainable development.

Key Differences Among MDGs and SDGs

Even though it is easy to assume that SDGs are similar to MDGs, which is to some extent true, however they both are somewhat different in some factors. These are:

  • MDGs were meant for more developing countries and contained individual problems focused on poverty, hunger and health. SDGs are more wholesome and focus on both developing countries as well as sustainable management.
  • MDGs consisted of 8 goals; SDGs increased to 17 goals, including more factors.
  • MDGs were focused on poverty, education, and health. Besides these topics, SDGs also promote equality, climate change, gender equality, and more.

Overview of the 17 SDGs

The SDGs are grouped into three broad categories: Social, Environmental, and Economic Goals. As mentioned, there are 17 SDGs, and they are:

  1. No Poverty: Complete eradication of poverty in all of its forms everywhere.
  2. Zero Hunger: End hunger, promote agriculture, and provide food for every person.
  3. Good Health and Well-being: Ensure health and provide care for everyone regardless of their age.
  4. Quality Education: Ensure quality education that is equitable and inclusive.
  5. Gender Equality: Eradicate gender-based discrimination and empower all women.
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure and develop appropriate water supply and waste disposal systems.
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy: Provide access to affordable, reliable and modern energy.
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Provide constant and inclusive enhancement of economic activities.
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Develop resilient infrastructure and enhance creativity.
  10. Reduced Inequalities: Further decrease and eradicate the inequalities that exist.
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities: Develop cities and communities that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production: Promote patterns of consumption and production that are sustainable.
  13. Climate Action: Make urgent efforts to combat climate change and its effects.
  14. Life Below Water: Protect and manage the oceans, seas, and marine resources.
  15. Life on Land: Conserve and promote the sustainable use of land-based ecosystems.
  16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Support the achievement of peaceful and constructive solid societies.
  17. Partnerships for the Goals: Revamp and strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development.

Why Are SDGs Important?

SDGs are essential to build a better future. Following are the reasons that make these important:

  • Extend to creating a universal response to various issues being faced.
  • A balance among the environment, society, and economy is created.
  • Upon achieving these goals, natural resources are sustained.
  • Eradicate poverty along with promoting development.


SDGs are more than just the goals to be achieved; they are the means to make a sustainable and peaceful future. These goals cover the issues that are highly faced in both developing and developed countries as well. If these are achieved, then the coming generations will not only coexist with nature but will flourish.


Sustainable goal development means planning for the future and embedding it in long-term economic growth, social development goals and environmental protection.

The essential aim of sustainable development is to attain economic development while caring for both society and the environment.

Sustainable development refers to the idea of achieving growth in an environmentally friendly manner that will allow future generations to live a fulfilled life.

There are a total of 17 objectives of sustainable development defined in the World Development Agenda whose focus is to resolve issues, namely poverty, inequality, and climate change, toward the common goal of environmental sustainability.

Some sustainable development examples are the use of solar power, windmills, organic farming, and other recycling programs, and regulations to cut down greenhouse gases.

Sustainable development is essential because it productively encourages resource management, promotes environmental care, and provides means for future generations.

The four types of sustainable development are Human, Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability.

The two major benefits of sustainable development that ensure a better quality of life are:

  • The preservation of ecosystems.
  • The promotion of social equity.

The scope includes policies and structures responsible for protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable socio-economic benefits.

The three P's of sustainability are People, Planet, and Profit.

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