Deciphering the Depth vs. Width Dilemma in Social Organisations Read more about Deciphering the Depth vs. Width Dilemma in Social OrganisationsBlogs4 January, 2024ISDM writesISDMGaurav Shah by Gaurav Shah | Published: 04 January , 2024The Pervasive Dilemma in Social OrganisationsSocial organisations in India find themselves at a critical crossroads, entangled in a dilemma that defines the scope and impact of their work. The struggle to balance depth and width in addressing complex social issues is a common narrative among passionate social entrepreneurs. As they navigate the intricate web of challenges spanning education, health, livelihoods, gender, child protection, and nutrition, a fundamental question emerges: Should organisations cast a wide net, attempting to address multiple facets of a problem, or should they focus their efforts on a specific domain?Social Organisations at a CrossroadsIn recent encounters with bright and passionate social entrepreneurs, the perennial question of defining the scope of work and vision takes center stage. Addressing complex social issues involves navigating a myriad of factors across various domains such as education, health, livelihoods, gender, child protection, and nutrition. The challenge emerges: Should social organisations opt for a broad approach, addressing multiple factors, or focus efforts on a specific facet of the problem?From Bridges to Holistic EndeavorsDelving into the context of an organisation aiming to uplift children trapped in the grim reality of rag picking, the journey unfolds. The initial step involves understanding why children end up as rag pickers—rooted in chronic inter-generational poverty, the absence of livelihood opportunities, parental disbelief in education, and a dearth of good schools. The organisation initiates bridge centres to facilitate entry into mainstream schools, eventually transforming into a bridge plus remedial centre.The scope further expands to include skilling programmes for women and a health centre providing affordable medicines to the local population. This evolution, on the surface commendable, introduces a host of issues, from founder-centric operations to a lack of a coherent narrative linking diverse initiatives.Options in FocusIn the quest to address the depth versus width dilemma, the choices are critical. Several options present themselves, each with its implications:Option 1: Specialised expertise for lasting impactChoosing one intervention and building expertise over time, such as running bridge centres, offers the potential to ensure no child from vulnerable communities remains out of school. This specialised focus aims for a targeted and lasting impact.Option 2: Building credibility and holistic changeCommencing with Option 1, organisations can gradually build credibility and leverage success to raise funds for broader initiatives. This option involves creating a compelling story of change and establishing an organisation capable of holistic transformations.Option 3: Collaborative synergy for comprehensive changeBeginning with a specific intervention internally, organisations can collaborate with partners to manage additional areas of work. This collaborative approach involves leveraging a network of partners for skilling programmes, health initiatives, and women empowerment, fostering synergies for comprehensive change.Depth for sustainable impactAddressing the depth versus width dilemma necessitates profound consideration. The chosen path becomes the fulcrum between short-term, reversible benefits and sustainable, scalable change. The knowledge, skills, and frameworks required to run specific interventions differ significantly, demanding a thoughtful strategy for each.The quandary of founder-centric modelsThe transition from a narrow focus to a holistic approach brings its own set of challenges. Founder-centric models, propelled by passion and intent, often lack the requisite knowledge, skills, and infrastructure for managing multi-sectoral operations. The founder, driven by adrenaline, may find the demands of organisational building overwhelming, leading to a struggle for sustainability and growth.Crafting impactful narrativesThe complexity inherent in balancing depth and width goes beyond strategic choices; it permeates the narratives crafted by these social organisations. Beyond the operational decisions, the narrative becomes a powerful tool that defines the essence of an organisation. The tapestry of choices woven by these organisations should not only reflect their effectiveness but also resonate with the lives they aim to transform.Diving into Development ManagementWithin this intricate web of choices and challenges, the paradigm of development management emerges as a crucial element. Development management encapsulates the strategic orchestration of efforts to drive impactful change in social organisations. Integrating development management principles becomes imperative in charting a course through the complexity, ensuring that initiatives align with overarching goals.As the sector grapples with these decisions, the narrative crafted becomes pivotal. It's more than a strategic choice; it's a narrative that defines an organisation's essence. The tapestry of choices organisations weave should align with their mission, vision, and the communities they serve.To delve deeper into the nuances of social development, consider ISDM's Post-Graduate Program in Development Management. Unlock insights and perspectives that go beyond the conventional, equipping you for impactful contributions in the social sector.You May Also ReadHow Development Management fuels social enterprises and social entrepreneurship?Emerging trends in social entrepreneurship development
The experiences that transformed my thinking of social development Read more about The experiences that transformed my thinking of social developmentBlogs24 October, 2017ISDM writesISDMRoopesh Kumar Published: 05 March, 2024“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Master YodaThey say change is the only constant in life. We understand reality from our experiences, but we do not observe how these experiences structure our perception. For me, two instances in particular have changed how I perceive reality and how an awareness of the changes around me has had a profound impact on my core values.A captivating session got over, and the array of insights we came up with were brilliant. The insights alone made me ecstatic, when Mr Behar, an eminent individual and former chief secretary of the government of Madhya Pradesh, said, “We should be very careful with the words we use.” This started a line of self-enquiry in my mind about the words I use – and how some words, although primitive, had an insurmountable effect on others. This self-inquiry created an awareness which was incomprehensible to my ‘engineer way’ of understanding.Comprehending the idea that I was listening to my own thoughts was, in a way, scary to start with. But it was also a unique and powerful experience. It was my first conscious experience. My mind was still and the clarity that ensued was incredible. I was hooked on to replicating the experience.The next encounter was a boomerang – a ray of light clearing the cloud of confusion I was experiencing. It was a workshop on ‘transformational leadership’ by Dr Monica Sharma. The first question she posted to us was to introduce ourselves. There was a lesson to be learned in that we should be addressing ourselves as – ‘My name is..’ rather than ‘I am..’. This is because we are more than our names – an unique individual who’s standing for their own unique values.The next question, that seemed like a no-brainer, was probably the most difficult question to answer. She asked me, “What values do you stand for?” This seems like a simple question, but I can assure you it really isn’t. When my turn came, I stood in front of the class and said, “My name is Roopesh Kumar, and I stand for authenticity in myself and others.” When I announced it to the class, there was surge of power in me. It was similar to finding a needle in a haystack, but I was able to channel my inner-being clearly. I was able to see that I had been making critical decisions from my stand. The third question was to declare the fears that were stopping us from taking courageous action. The hesitation to take action previously was as a result of the fears overcoming my inner being. Labelling them helped me become wary the next time my fears acted up.Between the encounters mentioned above, there were several pieces of knowledge that I received in the fields of economics, politics and law. This helped me create several lenses by which I could look into a context.Here, I would like to share my experiences in class with my friends who act as fantastic sounding-board. One fine day, I was discussing the issue of open defecation with my friend. He quickly suggested that it is a easy problem to solve. I was curious and quite surprised to hear that he had a solution to a problem. I knew that a lot of my peers had been working on the field to find a sustainable solution to this problem for a number of years. The solution he suggested was to build toilets in every household – and in addition, also build community toilets.When I heard about his reasoning to the problem, I was, in a way, seeing myself, as I would have had similar kinds of solutions without an understanding of the socio-economic and the socio-political fabric in society in which we are working. To this end, I explained to him how an NGO, which was trying to build toilets in Madhya Pradesh, was unsuccessful in tackling open defecation. In that village, building toilets curtailed the possibility of women building a rapport with each other. Instead of bringing about a social and cultural shift, the NGO focused all its resources on quick fixes which eventually backfired. This real-life example of his idea which an NGO tried to implement made him realise that his solution to the problem was counter-intuitive and that the problem was actually quite complex.In another similar discussion, we were discussing the problem of increasing population. Again, the suggestions were family planning, provision of condoms, and so on. I elaborated to them that the fundamental issue of population is related to the right of women to make choices. The response to that angle was remarkable, and we had a long conversation about this.More than helping my friends understand the importance of context, I observed that I was personally able to identify flaws in the system and why a particular thinking might not work in the context we are working in. This shift in my perspective is a result of a slow metamorphosis. This has been steady – and the process has been sustainable due to collaboration with my cohort, and more importantly, the group work that I am involved in. It has helped me work more efficiently, and the team has consistently pushed me ahead to help me be in the position I am in. The challenges we face as a group have been incredible. I have learned a lot from my group – particularly in terms of practising powerful-speaking to capture the essence of my idea and successfully communicating it to the group.In the field of social development, the reality is that change is a painstakingly slow process. This applies to both the self as well as the society. The realisation here is that development is not just extrinsic in nature – it starts from the self and expands outward. To do this by channeling my inner being took me some time to comprehend.The changes are visible to myself and my friends and family who are observing the shifts in my perspective. One of the insights that was shared helped me observe my evolution. It was to look up to your role models and derive universal values from them. I sincerely hope that we will perspire to be in our positions – and express ourselves brighter than a million suns.You May Also ReadUnveiling 5 Game-Changing Collaboration Models in Development SectorNeed for building a collaborative ecosystem in the development sectorHow working in the development sector is similar to parenting
How i stopped labelling and judging people and discovered new friends Read more about How i stopped labelling and judging people and discovered new friendsBlogs23 January, 2024Life at ISDMISDMMounica Raavi Published: 23 January, 2024Days came and nights passed. Everything was moving but me. I was stuck in my cubicle with heaps of books around, preparing for the UPSC exams. I was in my own bubble – studying for the exams, being with myself or meeting people who I thought were ‘like-minded’. I was quite judgmental, labelling and putting people into boxes and categories.Did I enjoy being like this? No! All of this was troubling me and I didn’t like this attitude, but I couldn’t help myself. At a certain point, staying with a large group of people became a phobia for me.When I got a call from ISDM, I was happy and excited. But I was also scared of meeting so many strangers. However, I was tired of what I had been doing and wanted a change in my life. I think that the best part in me is the capability to see myself, analyse my strengths and areas of improvement. I constantly work towards becoming better. The decision to join ISDM was an opportunity for me to be open to people, create new experiences and learn.While the initial ice-breakers helped me talk to people – which, otherwise would have been difficult – I still found myself uncomfortable in engaging meaningfully.Of all the concepts that I learnt during the orientation week, ‘socio-emotional intelligence’ got me thinking about my feelings and emotions. I asked myself ‘why I feel what I feel’ and ‘how I can grow into a better person’. As the concept unfolded, I learnt how my emotional tension was pulling me away from connecting with people.Through context presentations, I connected with the beautiful journeys of ‘ISDM-ites’ and how their life experiences shaped their thoughts and opinions. This helped me connect with people beyond knowledge-pieces, views and opinions. I could see my emotions being reflected in them.Today, I can proudly say that I have moved ahead from where I started.Has this been easy? Certainly not. It is very easy to fall back on old habits and be in the ‘comfort zone’.There are extremely painful days when my perceptions are challenged – when I can no longer be with people or when I see my old self in others. But there are many more beautiful days when I can see a shift in myself and be my most authentic self. I can shed my ego and be more open to other’s opinions. I am moved by love!Today, all is not perfect. When I see myself falling into that trap, I make a conscious effort not to. I certainly have changed! “Shedding these old dry leaves of doubt and suspicion,I have embraced the blossoming spring,Where every emotion comes floating to me in a cool breeze,I open my colored petals one after another with each gentle touch.Let this breeze be there for eternity,And the season of bloom never end.”You May Also ReadWomen and the chulha at rural immersionLeading the gram panchayat in a gunghat'Bahraich Ke Kisse': My story of meeting some awe-inspiring women
CREATIVITY AND COMPLEXITY IN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT Read more about CREATIVITY AND COMPLEXITY IN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENTBlogs17 March, 2023Development ManagementISDMSuparna DiwakarBhanumati is in a meeting with a Head Master in a school in Hassan District. The Head Master shares his experience of several years – the attendance of parents in Parent-Teacher meetings has been very disappointing. “They are just not interested, Madam! They do not pay any attention to their children. And they are illiterate so they do not understand what is going on in the school.”This article has been originally posted on Youth ki AwaazBhanumati suggests that it might be good to call the local Agriculture Extension Officer and discuss the procurement price of that season’s potato crop. “But Madam, how can we call the Agriculture Extension Officer to our school? They have nothing to do with the school!”, the Head Master replied. “Let us meet the Agriculture Extension Officer and see what he says. After that let us think about how we can get the parents to come.”, Bhanumati replied. And so it came about that the Agriculture Extension Officer came to the school on the village market day and met with the parents. The classroom was overflowing and there were six to seven people sitting at each of the desks! Post the discussion with the Agriculture Extension Officer around procurement prices, availability of fertilisers etc, Bhanumati began to talk to the parents about their children’s learning and how they could get involved. The conversation led to many ways in which parents felt that they could get involved in their children’s learning...and a new chapter in the relationship between the school and the parents began.In a typical organisation, most management processes tend to be broken down into tasks that are controlled and monitored by the ‘higher-ups’. Command and control was necessary in organisations that were manufacturing goods to meet customer requirements, and increase profits. This meant that the optimal way of doing something had generally been figured and merely needed to be followed to get the best result. Then, the role of employees in such organisations was to follow the process, which led to a myopic vision of their role. This paradigm creates problems in the social sector. How can the agency of an individual be brought to bear so that they are able to identify and define problems, and solve them in context?There are many problems in the social sector that do not have predetermined solutions. There is a need for people on the ground to be creative, to have a deep understanding of the context, and have a sense of purpose and authenticity in their work, to be able to respond to the ground. They also need to be able to see their work as contributing to the larger picture. Bhanumati understood the needs of the community, and leveraged that understanding to meet those needs while also creating a space for parents and teachers to begin a conversation. In a system that expects the ‘functionaries’ to follow rules and do what they are told, this type of creative response would not be possible. There is a need, therefore, to create a system that fosters creativity and appropriate responses to complexities and needs on the ground. Development management needs to think about the structures and processes that can foster this.You May Also ReadWhich is the best course for a management career in the social sector?How Development Management fuels social enterprises and social entrepreneurship?8 Eye Opening Reasons Why Development Management Trumps an MBA
Why i do not want to be called a social worker? Read more about Why i do not want to be called a social worker?Blogs11 August, 2017Career In the Social ManagementISDMGaurav ShahPublished: 06 March, 2024A ‘professional’ is someone who is part of a profession. So, what really is a ‘profession’ – and why are some areas of work defined as ‘professions’ (lawyer, doctor, etc.) and others as ‘vocations’ (cobbler, carpenter, among others)?Technically a ‘profession’ is an area of work which fulfils some of the following requirements:It requires a fairly formal, time-taking and (typically) tough process of preparation (generally academic).It is bound by a code of ethics created and enforced by people within the profession.Knowledge building and subsequent innovation is done by people within the profession for the profession itself – and not by people from outside the profession.Being part of a profession becomes aspirational, because it has a certain exclusivity to it – much like the social clubs and groups we engage with. I am part of a club because I am really good at something (music, theatre, rock climbing, etc.) – and that differentiates me from the others who are not part of the club. Not many would aspire to join a club that anyone can join!This is one of the big reasons why bright young individuals don’t want to enter the realm of teaching. Teaching is one of the most complex professions which demands a unique combination of educational perspective, understanding of curriculum and pedagogy, subject matter knowledge and a large amount of patience! Yet, the process and criteria for becoming a teacher is ridiculously low.The same holds true if one wants to be a ‘social worker’. While the term has a technical definition, in the current context, it has become an all-encompassing term for any and everyone associated with social development or the social workspace.Even though this profession is considered noble, people harbour a lot of pre-conceptions and assumptions about the profession. Stereotypes associated with social work can be particularly frustrating and hilarious at the same time. Here are some of the comments which people have made to me regarding the profession:All That’s Required To Enter The Social Space Is Good Intent And A Good Heart!That’s as good as saying that my love for cars automatically makes me a good automobile engineer! Or if I love suing people, then I am a great lawyer!Just like engineering and law, becoming a relevant social worker should include strong academic preparation in the fields of development studies, social work, public policy, development management and others. Each of these areas requires a lot of technical hardwork, if one wants to develop the relevant knowledge and skill-sets required to deliver sustainable social impact and progress for the nation.My Desire For A More Relaxed, Balanced Life Is Driving Me To The Social Sector!One of the biggest challenges in the social sector is that it brings you face to face with the realities of life. A friend once told me that she couldn’t imagine working in the sector because it’s so disturbing.It is this reality which will drive you to work harder than you ever have. This is because you can see that, at some level, your work is helping to improve the lives of the underserved and the underprivileged. Sleepless nights, crazy adventures, physical fatigue, friends unheard of in unseen places and immense satisfaction – you should expect all of this (and more) in the social space! At a personal level, the social sector has demanded more from me than the corporate space.Wow – You Must Be Such A Nice Human Being To Be Working In This Sector!People everywhere have the same level of complexities, insecurities, strengths and failings.In the corporate sector, if money is the prime motivator, you can build a fairly successful career by staying indifferent to your job. However, to stay in the social sector for a long time, a passion for social change and genuinely connecting with the people you are working with/for are necessary preconditions.However, under no circumstance does this make one a saint. One should choose to work in this space only if they really want to work here and the work gives them happiness. Reasons like guilt (‘we have got so much, we must give back’) and social power (‘if I won’t do it, who will’) are useful but not necessarily sustainable reasons to work in this sector.If You Are A Social Worker, Why Do You Want Money? Isn’t Satisfaction Enough?Just like anyone else, social workers also live in a social reality. Therefore, it is to be expected that they also have to deal with individual, family and social expectations, while having their own desires – and why shouldn’t they!The choice of working on the toughest problems facing large sections of society is challenging enough. On top of that, why should a huge financial sacrifice be part of the initiation as well?The complexity of issues that this sector faces is mindboggling. It really needs the brightest minds to come and work here. Therefore, we need to find ways of attracting the right talent, rather than trying hard to keep them away.Many people have made a conscious choice of working in this sector for their personal reasons. This in turn reflects what they want to do and where they want to work. Hence, the choices of these people may not necessarily subscribe to the stereotypical notions mentioned above.Just like we call people ‘banking sector professionals’ and ‘legal professionals’, can’t we just be called ‘development sector professionals’? It just has a much more pleasing and ‘professional’ ring to it!It takes much more than just a simple desire to balance your life, if you want to participate in such activities.You May Also ReadTop Career Opportunities in the Social Sector6 Essential Soft Skills for Success in India's Social Sector: A Must-Read Checklist!Does India's social sector need better management?
Need for building a collaborative ecosystem in the development sector Read more about Need for building a collaborative ecosystem in the development sectorBlogs24 April, 2017Resource on DMISDMPublished: 11 March, 2024Collaboration, not competition, is the emerging philosophy in the social development sector. However, given the celebration (and glorification) of the benefits of competition specially from the corporate sector and the competitive culture imbibed in us by our schooling system, it becomes an almost impossible task to switch tracks to a different life philosophy in mind and in practice. This article has been originally posted on Youth ki AwaazWe’ve constantly been told that competition is what exclusively leads to innovation, helps improve efficiency, builds an outcome orientation, brings about human progress but is it really true in all contexts? Does everything need to be a zero-sum game? Let’s try and explore the need for collaboration and a collaborative work ethic specially in the social sector:Magnitude of the Problem (Absolute and Relative): ~27 Cr Indians live under extreme poverty (2012, $1.25 per day PPP), 10 Lakh youth are entering the workforce every month (Labour Ministry) looking for productive job opportunities, ~48% of Indian students can’t read books meant for 3 classes below (despite near universal enrolment), Infant mortality of 40 out of 1000 births (2013, Niti Aayog), India ranks 131 out of 185 countries on the Human Development Index (UNDP), India ranks 97 out of 118 countries on the Global Hunger Index (International Food Policy Research Institute)..the numbers are staggering. The humongous scale and magnitude of the issues clearly denotes that they cannot be solved either by individuals or organisations working in isolation.Holistic Model of Development: The development sector largely works in an issue based manner with organisations focussing on sectoral (education, rural development, health, environment etc.) interventions to bring about improvements in societal and human conditions. This is partly due to the availability (or lack thereof) of financial resources and technical expertise (while we agree that every sector is important, where do we get the money and the knowledge to deal with different issues?). However human beings and their lives cannot really be split into these sectors. It’s the same person who has an education, health, livelihood or an addiction issue and thereby its imperative for different organisations working in a geography on different issues to come together to pool their physical, financial and knowledge resources to devise a holistic model of development and work together to deliver it. Working in this kind of a collaborative ecosystem would be more sustainable and amenable to scale. It would also help deal with the issue of these problems being “wicked”! (e.g. working only on education in a rural area in the absence of meaningful livelihood creation might lead to excessive migration and the abandonment of social structures)System’s view of stakeholders: When dealing with social issues, it’s important to clearly define and understand the overall family of stakeholders being effected by your actions (Who are the various people/organisations which might be directly or indirectly effected by this intervention and thereby might want a say in how its designed and implemented?). Its helps view issues from a broader systemic standpoint thereby creating the possibility of designing interventions which are more inclusive, based on a wider dialogue, accepting of the concerns of a larger system of stakeholders and thereby having a larger chance of success. Interventions like this would require a deep understanding and appreciation of the need to collaborate and take various people ahead togetherSocial construction of knowledge in context: Development sector work requires a social construction of knowledge because there is a need for collective meaning-making, in context. This, therefore, means that while there may be a broad Theory of Change about something, it will play out the way it will because people make their own meaning about it. Development Management has a role to play in being able to facilitate the meaning-making process and ensuring that appropriate, contextually relevant outcomes become possible.Besides the more obvious instrumental reasons for Collaboration, one should not overlook the basic intrinsic reason behind encouraging this work ethic – just the fact that a collaborative society would potentially be a more peaceful and harmonious society based on the efforts of better human beings!Its clear that the need for collaboration is based on both a number based practical need as well as a conceptual underpinning of how we could potentially look at approaching development issues to ensure good quality sustainable social impact at scale. Am not sure it is an option any more. If we are serious about improving lives and social conditions then it’s imperative that we join hands and collaborate. Else we stand the danger of becoming an irrelevant self-perpetuating sector at the risk of losing its reason for existence.You May Also ReadHow working in the development sector is similar to parentingDevelopment Management: New possibilities of GrowthEmpowering Careers in the Development Sector: A Deep Dive into ISDM's PGP-DM Program
Unveiling 5 Game-Changing Collaboration Models in Development Sector Read more about Unveiling 5 Game-Changing Collaboration Models in Development SectorBlogsPodcasts4 January, 2024Development ManagementISDMGaurav Shah by Gaurav Shah | Published: 04 January , 2024Collaboration as the Catalyst for Social ImpactIn the dynamic landscape of the development sector, collaboration emerges as a powerful force, often cited as the linchpin for sustainable and scalable social change. However, the path to effective collaboration is not always clear, and the sector grapples with finding models that transcend the realm of unfulfilled promises. This blog explores five collaborative models, each offering a unique approach to fostering sustainable impact, shedding light on the processes needed to bring them to fruition.1. Technical Collaborations: Bridging Skill Gaps for Mutual GrowthThe first model revolves around addressing specific technical shortcomings within organisations through partnerships. For instance, when organisation A struggles with fundraising, a collaboration with organisation B, specializing in fundraising, creates a symbiotic relationship. These collaborations thrive on a clear quid-pro-quo dynamic, sustaining themselves as long as there is a mutual need.2. Relationship-Based Collaborations: Nurturing Connections for Collective ProgressDriven by the necessity to connect with specific stakeholder segments, relationship-based collaborations become the focal point. When organisation A, equipped with funding, aspires to enhance education in a district, teams up with organisation B, possessing expertise in government relations, becomes instrumental. These partnerships, rooted in softer skills like relationship building, evolve gradually, often shaped by the equation between the leaders of the collaborating organisations.3. Sector-Specific Collaborations: Uniting Forces for Sectoral TransformationBringing Expertise Together: Sector-specific collaborations center around bringing organisations operating in a particular sub-sector together.Ideation and Implementation: This model aims to articulate sectoral challenges, ideate on solutions, and collectively implement and advocate for change.Diverse Perspectives: Such collaborations harness diverse expertise, offering a platform to learn from different perspectives and present a united voice to influence the external ecosystem.4. Geographic Collaborations: Holistic Development in Local ContextsLocalized Holistic Approaches: Geographic collaborations focus on uniting organisations working in specific geographical areas, be it a district, state, or region.Systems Thinking: The objective is to develop a holistic, systems thinking-driven, cross-sectoral view of development for that particular geography.Silo-less Solutions: This approach rests on the belief that understanding local context is paramount in the development space, where standardized approaches often fall short.5. Ecosystem Collaborations: Orchestrating Comprehensive Development InitiativesInclusive Stakeholder Engagement: Ecosystem collaborations transcend organisational boundaries to bring together stakeholders across the development spectrum.Comprehensive Decision-Making: The goal is to ensure comprehensive discussions covering all viewpoints, fostering decisions that encompass the diverse facets of development.Power of Intervention: Imagine the power of an intervention which has political buy-in, is supported by the government machinery, has a funder backing it, and has been evolved ground up using participatory approaches.From Bilateral to Strategic RelationshipsTransitioning from technical collaborations to ecosystem collaborations amplifies the complexity of stakeholder management. The move involves handling multiple parameters, including the number of stakeholders, diverse viewpoints, varied agendas and egos, and a shift from transactional to strategic relationships. Challenges emerge in decision-making, sustaining interest, and motivation over time. However, the potential benefits and possibilities of bringing about sustainable social change on a large scale also increase with this progression.The Founder-Centric QuandaryThe shift towards holistic collaborations introduces challenges, particularly in founder-centric models. Often driven by passion and intent, these models may lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and infrastructure to manage multi-sectoral operations. Sustainability and growth become elusive, highlighting the need for a more strategic approach to organisational building.Beyond Collaboration ModelsBeyond the strategic choices in collaboration models, the narrative crafted by social organisations becomes a potent tool. The narrative not only defines an organisation's essence but also resonates with the lives it aims to transform. This storytelling aspect is crucial, going beyond operational decisions to create a compelling story of change.Development Management ParadigmAmidst the complexities of collaboration, the paradigm of development management emerges as a crucial guiding force. Development management entails the strategic orchestration of efforts to drive impactful change in social organisations. Integrating development management principles becomes imperative, aligning initiatives with overarching goals and navigating the intricate web of challenges.Steering Towards Sustainable ChangeAs the development sector grapples with collaboration models, the narrative takes center stage. It goes beyond being a strategic choice, becoming a narrative that defines an organisation's essence. The choices organisations make should align with their mission, vision, and the communities they serve.Embark on a Collaborative Learning Journey with ISDMFor a deeper dive into the intricacies of social development and collaborative strategies, explore ISDM's Post-Graduate Program in Development Management. Equip yourself with insights that go beyond the conventional, empowering you to make meaningful contributions in the social sector. Discover more at ISDM and embark on a transformative journey.You May Also ReadNeed for building a collaborative ecosystem in the development sectorMy journey from the IIM's to the development sector
Top Career Opportunities in the Social Sector Read more about Top Career Opportunities in the Social SectorBlogs8 January, 2024ISDM writesISDMAdminFAQs How do I start a career in the social sector? Enroll in ISDM's Post Graduate Program in Development Management—a globally unique initiative blending development with management theories, preparing you for impactful roles in NGOs, CSR, and social research organizations. Why do you want to make a career in the social sector? The evolving job landscape prioritizes fulfillment, purpose, and meaningful impact. ISDM's program aligns with these values, training individuals to be enduring catalysts for change in the social sector. What is the social sector in India? The social sector in India includes diverse opportunities in NGOs, foundations, CSR initiatives, and social research organizations, addressing crucial societal challenges. Why is the social sector important? The social sector is vital for addressing societal issues and providing opportunities for professionals to make a meaningful impact. ISDM's program ensures the best training for success in this impactful sector. Published: 08 January , 2024HL: Exploring Career Opportunities in the Social Sector in IndiaThe social sector in India has undergone a significant transformation over the last few years, offering diverse and exciting career opportunities to individuals from various backgrounds. Whether you are a student or someone with prior work experience, the social sector presents numerous intriguing job roles that go beyond mere financial success. This article will shed light on the evolving landscape of the social sector and how pursuing a career in this field can bring not only professional success but also personal fulfillment.The evolving definition of a Fulfilling JobRecent studies have highlighted the changing perspective of millennials when it comes to their careers. Four key factors have emerged as crucial elements that make a job fulfilling for this generation:Engagement: Millennials seek leadership and management that aim to make a positive impact on their lives and the world.Integrity: The quality of adhering to moral and ethical standards is highly valued.Community: Being part of a company recognized as a thought leader or industry standard contributes to job fulfillment.Giving Back: The desire to impact the lives of others, whether through community involvement, fostering workplace relationships, or contributing to societal issues, is a fundamental driver of job satisfaction.This shift from a sole focus on financial success to a desire for fulfillment and purpose is evident among Gen Z job-seekers as well. They are more inclined to seek roles that align with their values and offer opportunities for creativity and innovation.Embracing a Purpose-Driven Career in the Social SectorThe social sector is now the ideal destination for those who crave meaning and purpose in their work. Young professionals are choosing roles that allow them to pursue a higher purpose through innovative ideas and creative solutions. This shift is a reflection of changing philosophies and mindsets, which have also led to the development of educational courses that train individuals to become catalysts for enduring change.If you are considering a career in the social sector in India, now is the perfect time to take the plunge. By enrolling in a Post-Graduate Course in Development Management at the Indian School of Development Management (ISDM), you can equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this field.The Importance of Training and EducationA successful career in the social sector demands not only passion and dedication but also the right training and education. Traditional development administration principles are no longer sufficient. The sector requires an agile and customized approach to address complex situations effectively. The Post Graduate Program in Development Management offered by ISDM is designed to train individuals to become global change-makers.Testimonials from ISDM StudentsDiscover what some of our students have to say about their journey:Simran: Simran, who previously worked as an Auditor in a Fortune 500 company, and Shrikantha Raipurkar, who holds a BSc in Hospitality, are living proof that people from diverse backgrounds and educational qualifications can successfully transition into the social sector with ISDM's Post-Graduate Program in Development Management.Defying Myths: Many ISDM students are breaking the myth that you can only enter the social sector immediately after college and that certain educational backgrounds are prerequisites for success in this field.The Role of Development ManagementWhile development often revolves around economic growth and social and political ambitions, Development Management goes a step further. It focuses on a continuous process that assesses societal development to increase productivity and achieve economic and social freedom. Rather than being project-based, it adopts a process-based management system to eliminate stagnation in public service systems.Preparing Future-Ready Managers for the Social SectorToday, India's social sector comprises not only grassroots NGOs but also a diverse mix of civil society organizations, social entrepreneurs, technologists, activists, donors, philanthropists, policy-makers, researchers, academics, and scientists. This diverse ecosystem requires leaders and managers who can cater to the sector's specific needs.Insights from Mr. Ravi Sreedharan, Co-founder of ISDMIn a TED talk, Mr. Ravi Sreedharan shares his journey of transitioning from a 24-year corporate career to the social sector. With an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad and a B. Tech. from IIT-BHU, he offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of the social sector.Indian School of Development Management (ISDM) stands as a pioneering institution built on collective wisdom and philanthropy. ISDM has established itself as a symbol of excellence, dedicated to training individuals to become future change-makers. Its unique curriculum and pedagogy are tailored to the needs of students aspiring to excel in Development Management.The Flagship Program: Post Graduate Programme in Development ManagementThe Post Graduate Programme in Development Management is a groundbreaking initiative globally, blending development principles with management theories. This program is ISDM's flagship offering, meticulously designed by leading academicians and practitioners.The program aims to produce committed management professionals capable of navigating non-linear complexities, diverse geographies, and cultures. Graduates are prepared to tackle the complex challenges of social change, design effective interventions, and lead organizations toward sustainable social impact.Testimonial from Shreya VermatBefore joining ISDM, Shreya was a graduate and a fresher. After completing the PGP DM program, she secured a position with the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, as the State Coordinator for Jammu & Kashmir.Diverse Career Opportunities in the Social SectorISDM graduates have the opportunity to explore a wide range of roles and organizations in the social sector. Here are some examples of career paths chosen by our alumni:CSR Fund/Foundation: Organizations engaged in grant distribution and funding processes to receive financial assistance from the corporate sector.Social Welfare Organizations: Entities focused on promoting social welfare for the betterment of communities.Policy Consulting Firms: Organizations collaborating with government agencies and NGOs to develop and implement public policies, particularly in healthcare or environmental issues.For-Profit Social Organizations: Entities with a social purpose that operate for profits.Social Advocacy: Organizations defending the rights of disadvantaged or discriminated communities.Not for Profit/NGOs: Organizations curating projects that provide aid to underprivileged communities, both in underdeveloped and developed countries.Impact Investing Firms: Firms investing in companies or organizations addressing social or environmental issues.Social Impact Consultancies: Organizations dedicated to creating social improvements for various stakeholders.Social Enterprises: Entities aiming to maximize profits to fund social programs while benefiting society and the environment.Education/Think Tanks/Research: Independent organizations dedicated to enhancing academic standards and graduation requirements, improving assessments, and strengthening accountability.Bilateral Agencies: Organizations financing projects contributing to the economic and social development of recipient countries.Multi-Faceted Career Roles for PGP DM GraduatesThe Post Graduate Programme in Development Management equips students with the knowledge and skills to excel in various roles within the social sector, including:Programme Operations and Management: Understanding the organization's strategy and translating it into program design, implementation, evaluation, monitoring, and review.Communications and Engagement: Defining and managing the organization's overall communications strategy to build its brand.Fundraising (Retail and Corporate): Building fundraising strategies and engaging with donors and funders to secure financial support.Strategy & Data-Based Decision Making: Charting out the organization's strategy and usingIn a rapidly evolving social sector, purpose and fulfillment drive meaningful careers. ISDM's Post Graduate Programme in Development Management offers the tools and knowledge to become a catalyst for change. With its innovative curriculum, experienced faculty, and strong placement networks, ISDM is your gateway to a rewarding, impact-driven career.You May Also ReadWhy the social sector is next place to be6 Essential Soft Skills for Success in India's Social Sector: A Must-Read Checklist!Does India's social sector need better management?
Which is the best course for a management career in the social sector? Read more about Which is the best course for a management career in the social sector?Blogs5 January, 2023ISDM writesISDMAdmin Published: 04 January , 2024Embracing the Social SectorIn the realm of diverse causes and global challenges, a growing number of individuals, both students and professionals, are driven not just by a paycheck but by a yearning to make a meaningful impact. The millennial generation, often deemed Gen Y, is increasingly drawn to the development sector, fueled by a genuine desire to address the world's most pressing issues and outshine their peers through exposure and experience. Success, for this cohort, is not solely defined by financial gain but by becoming catalysts for social change.Over the past five to eight years, the Social Sector has undergone a profound evolution. While Social Purpose Organisations (SPOs) still dominate, the sector has become a mosaic of opportunities, welcoming individuals from various backgrounds, each with unique hopes, aspirations, skills, and visions for change.The Social Sector's AllureNitisha Pandey, a B Tech graduate in Computer Science and an alumna of ISDM's Class of 2017, serves as a testament to the sector's allure. Working at Nomi Network as a Senior Programme Manager and Menstrual Health Educator, Nitisha initiated the 'Green Period Project.' This initiative aimed to raise awareness and action for eco-friendly menstrual products in North East India, securing funds to provide these products to 50 women in Kalimpong and Dimapur for five years. Nitisha's journey also involved speaking engagements at various forums, amplifying conversations around Education, Health, Climate, and their intersections with menstrual health.The Social Sector, she contends, is not merely a professional landscape; it is a realm bursting with exciting career opportunities that hold the power to effect lasting social change. The sector's growth has given rise to a pool of bright minds, showcasing diversity and skill comparable to any other industry. Consequently, Social Purpose Organisations are actively seeking niche talent to fortify their ranks, individuals who can devise strategies to lead teams and foster transformational impact at the grassroots level. In essence, leadership and management skills emerge as the linchpin of Development Management. And here is where ISDM, the Indian School of Development Management, takes center stage.ISDM's Role in Shaping Social Change LeadersISDM, through its 11-month full-time Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management, plays a pivotal role in shaping leaders poised to transform the social sector. As Shrikantha Raipurkar, an ISDM student, notes, the set of skills required for the Social Sector operates on different principles due to the complexities involved. Retrofitting a broad corporate philosophy, as often taught in traditional MBA programs, falls short. Management for the Social Sector demands a tailored approach to master the unique challenges exclusive to this domain.Ravi Sreedharan, Co-founder of ISDM, provides insights into the nuanced interpretation of Development Management for the Social Sector. With a 24-year corporate career, including significant roles at HSBC, Ravi transitioned to the social sector in 2011, joining the Azim Premji Foundation. His journey reflects the necessity of adopting business management practices specifically designed to address the issues of the Social Sector.Crafting Change-Makers: ISDM's VisionISDM envisions itself as a pioneer institution forged through collective wisdom and philanthropy. It contends that the Development Sector must imbibe and adapt Business Management Practices meticulously crafted to resolve the sector's challenges. ISDM has cultivated an identity synonymous with excellence, offering a first-of-its-kind curriculum and pedagogy tailored for students aspiring to excel in Development Management.Mr. Ashish Dhawan, a key advisor to ISDM and India's leading philanthropist, echoes the importance of leadership in the Social Sector. An alumnus of Harvard Business School and the co-founder of Chrysalis Capital, Dhawan emphasizes the need for a new breed of professionals equipped with relevant leadership skills, strong ethics, and a social conscience.ISDM's Flagship Initiative: PGP DM ProgrammeCrafting Social Change Professionals: The PGP DM CurriculumISDM's Post-Graduate Programme in Development Management (PGP DM) stands out as a global initiative, blending development principles with management theories. This 11-month program is meticulously designed by leading academicians and practitioners, offering in-class sessions that create impactful, committed management professionals. The curriculum aims to instill the ability to navigate non-linear complexities, diverse processes, geographies, and cultures.The mission of the PGP DM Programme encompasses:Strengthening the Foundation of the Social Sector: Focusing not just on individual growth but also on fortifying the very essence of the social sector.Developing On-the-Ground Understanding: Through immersive learning methodologies, the program ensures a profound understanding of managing social sector organizations.Facilitating Mentorship: The distinctive Mentorship Programme connects students with CEOs, industry executives, and global leaders, providing invaluable guidance.Holistic Learning: ISDM's ApproachThe PGP DM curriculum at ISDM encompasses:Context-Based Collaborative Learning: An approach that enables students to understand contextual realities, essential for developing sustainable solutions in the Social Sector.Learning from Stalwarts: Exposure to thought leaders and influencers from various industries fosters interaction and co-creation with the best minds in the Indian development space.Blended Learning: A combination of technology and traditional classroom activities provides flexibility for customized learning experiences.Realising India Immersion: A two-week program immerses students in a district, facilitating exploration of local issues, ongoing social sector work, and reflection on their experiences.Radical Transformation Leadership Course: Specially curated workshops covering a range of topics such as Group Dynamics, Radical Transformation Leadership (RTL), Networks, Partnerships, Alliances for Scale, Fund Raising, Project Management, Volunteer Management, and Instructional Design.Interaction with Eminent Leaders: Regular interactions with leaders from different walks of life facilitate debates, discussions, reflection, and learning.As part of the ISDM Live Lecture Series - SANGAM, Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, an award-winning activist, leadership trainer, and prolific writer, shares insights on the Samaj-Sarkar-Bazaar Convergence. Listen here. [Watch the full session here]Nurturing Future Professionals: Bricoleur-Continued Mentorship ProgrammeThe Bricoleur-Continued Mentorship Programme at ISDM is instrumental in steering young professionals toward becoming authentic development management professionals. Recognizing the unique management disciplines required for the social sector, ISDM provides sustained mentorship tailored to the sector's scale.Enhancing Communication: Development Management Writing CentreThe Development Management Writing Centre at ISDM aids students in excelling in written and oral communication. Through personalized training, students can draft theses, research manuscripts, and even publish their own papers.Personal Mastery for Development LeadershipISDM's emphasis on personal mastery for development leadership aims to instill curiosity, courage, and compassion in students. Creating a safe space for teams to flourish, encouraging generative conversations, and building attentional focus are crucial aspects of this approach.Voices from ISDM Alumni: Stories of TransformationDhristha Bhagawati and Roopesh Kumar, alumni of ISDM, share their unique experiences. Dhristha emphasizes personal mastery for development leadership, while Roopesh, an ex-student, attests to the curriculum's role in fostering his growth as a development leader.PGP DM Programme: A Sought-After CourseUnmatched Success: Key StatisticsThe PGP DM programme at ISDM has garnered significant success:Five Successful Batches75 Global Faculty Members100% Placement AssistanceExciting Scholarships and Financial Assistance OptionsWorld-Class Faculty: A Pillar of ISDM's SuccessISDM's faculty, drawn from diverse backgrounds with vast interdisciplinary experience, exposes students to thought leaders and influencers from the industry. This exposure allows students to interact and co-create with the very best in the Indian development space.To know more about ISDM's faculty, click here.Mentorship: A Guiding Light for ISDM StudentsISDM students benefit from mentorship provided by a select group of experienced professionals holding senior leadership positions across industries and domains. These interactions center on making sound professional choices, providing sustained guidance, and enhancing students' experiences throughout their academic journey and beyond.100% Placements: A Testimony to ISDM's ImpactISDM's graduates are universally accepted and in demand by social-sector organizations. The unique challenges faced by development sector professionals, including navigating non-linear complexities and processes across diverse geographies and cultural contexts, find effective solutions through development management skills acquired at ISDM.Career Options and Alumni TestimonialsCareer OptionsGraduates of the ISDM PGP DM Programme are prepared for various roles in development sector organizations, equipped to start their for-impact organizations, and, in time, assume senior leadership and management responsibilities.Alumni TestimonialsShreya Verma, Class of 2021, shares her journey:Before ISDM: Graduate and FresherAfter ISDM: Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, State Coordinator, J & K"Besides the strong alumni base and a welcoming faculty, PGP DM gave me a global perspective and has equipped me with knowledge of Design & Systems Thinking, nurtured and enhanced my leadership skills."The Difference: PGP DM vs. Other Social Sector CoursesMSW vs. PGP DMWhile both a Master of Social Work (MSW) and the PGP DM Programme aim to prepare students for the Social Sector, they differ in several ways:An MSW focuses on fieldwork and grassroots-level engagement, while PGP DM imparts management and leadership skills tailored for mentoring teams working at the grassroots level.MSW prepares individuals to understand communities, develop solutions, and implement them effectively. PGP DM, on the other hand, teaches the creation of world-class social organizations with appropriate strategies, structures, systems, and processes.Public Policy vs. PGP DMPublic Policy Courses examine how government policies impact the public and how policies can be implemented effectively. In contrast, PGP DM prepares students to work specifically for the needs of the Social Sector.Public Policy is a theoretical discipline, while PGP DM is hands-on. PGP DM students gain practical exposure through Rural Immersion, Professional Learning Communities, and various workshops, leading to careers in Think Tanks, Consultancies, the Government Sector, or International NGOs.Diverse Organisations: Where PGP DM Graduates WorkThe array of organizations where PGP DM graduates find opportunities is vast, catering to various interests and inclinations:CSR Fund/FoundationSocial Welfare OrganizationsPolicy Consulting FirmsFor-Profit Social OrganizationsSocial AdvocacyNot-for-Profit/NGOsImpact Investing FirmsSocial Impact ConsultanciesSocial EnterprisesEducation/Think Tanks/ResearchBilateral AgenciesCareer Roles for PGP DM GraduatesPGP DM graduates have a plethora of options for building their careers in diverse roles:Programme Operations and ManagementCommunications and EngagementFund Raising (Retail and Corporate)Strategy & Data-based Decision MakingCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Government Relations and AdvocacyStrategic Partnerships and AlliancesMonitoring & EvaluationEA to CEOCo-FoundersFinancial Aid and Scholarships: Making Education AccessibleISDM, being a non-profit institution, is committed to making world-class education affordable for students from all walks of life. Deferred payment options and financial assistance are offered to support meritorious students with genuine financial needs.To know more about the eligibility criteria, click here.Applying for the PGP DM Course: A Seamless ProcessISDM's admission process involves four straightforward steps:Connect with Us: Share your interests here or chat with our counselors at +91 9999788216 for personalized guidance.Fill out an Online Application Form.Selection Process: Includes an Online Assessment and a Personal Interview.Embark on Your Journey: Start your ISDM experience with a smile on your lips and a dream in your heart.To know more about the admission process, click here.Eligibility Criteria for PGP DMIf you aspire to make a deep, long-lasting impact on the world and build a mission-based career, ISDM is the place for you. Graduates from any stream, whether working professionals or freshers, with an interest in the social development sector can apply. Previous work experience is an added advantage but not mandatory. However, some amount of professional or volunteering experience is recommended, with the average previous work experience of ISDM students ranging from 1.5 to 2 years.In a landscape where social impact is the currency of change, ISDM stands as a beacon, shaping leaders equipped to navigate the complex tapestry of the social sector. Aspiring individuals seeking a meaningful career withIn closing, ISDM's PGP DM Program emerges as a transformative force, cultivating leaders driven by purpose in the dynamic landscape of the social sector. The humanized approach to education, holistic mentorship, and real-world immersion experiences position ISDM as a beacon for those aspiring to make a meaningful impact on society.You May Also ReadEcosystem Study: Benchmarking talent management in Indian social sectorWhy the social sector is next place to be6 Essential Soft Skills for Success in India's Social Sector: A Must-Read Checklist!
Realising India: Unveiling the unyielding spirit of a rural heroine Read more about Realising India: Unveiling the unyielding spirit of a rural heroineBlogs2 January, 2024ISDM writesNON ISDMAishwarya Srivastava by Aishwarya Srivastava | Published: 02 January , 2024Amidst the diverse, beautiful colors of food, attire, and landscape with its variety of flora and fauna lie several harsh realities that hold back the district of Pali. Bestowed with rich heritage and abundant natural resources, Pali is a rural district in Rajasthan. A grave concern in this district is the lack of adequate educational opportunities for women and their status in society. The situation is worse for those from marginalized communities in villages.A Beacon of InspirationPriti* (21) belongs to the Keer community, a marginalized community in Dudhani village of Bali tehsil in Pali. I met her during my team’s interactions with her community members, where she played the role of a guide. Through the immersion experiences, I learned her story and realized that it was nothing short of an inspiration to her community.A Glimpse into Regressive CustomsPali, generally, is a patriarchal and caste-sensitive society, and girls and women do not have access to educational opportunities with prevalent cases of child marriages and regressive customs like bride selling. The district witnesses high dropout rates among young girls after completing primary education due to fewer senior secondary schools and colleges in restricted areas that are situated far away from their homes and for which they do not get permission from their family. Priti’s community, not unlike other rural parts of Pali, is highly patriarchal, where women are mostly confined to the four walls of their homes and considered nothing more than a commodity.Encountering Regressive CustomsDuring my visit and interactions, I found Pali mired in varied regressive and unusual traditional customs such as Nata 1 (bride-selling), Aata-Saata2 (exchange of women for marriage between two families), etc. shackle women in these communities. My journey during this immersion was replete with good personal encounters indicating the considerable gap between men’s and women’s rights from their access to fundamental rights (which of these rights in particular?) to having the agency to make decisions for their futures.Breaking the ChainsLike other girls in her community, Priti faced multiple challenges completing her education and pursuing her dreams. She struggled against family opposition to study until the 8th standard and finally dropped out when her father’s opposition grew more assertive. She belonged to a lower caste which didn’t win her favours since they lived in a caste-dominated society.A disheartened Priti was forced to take a year-long break. She discovered Doosra Dashak, a social purpose organisation (SPO) in Pali that primarily teaches holistic education to adolescents, especially females aged 11-20 years.Empowered by EducationPriti jumped at this opportunity, raising her concerns with the founder. As a response, he tried to convince her father and family to permit her to pursue her dreams. This conversation didn’t go well, unable to garner much support. Nevertheless, Priti took a bold decision, went against her father’s wishes, and joined back with backing from the SPO. To keep her father happy, she supported him in agricultural work to generate adequate income for their family while continuing and working hard in school. This was just the beginning as Priti decided to join the Bachelor of Arts programme in a nearby gain without family support. Commuting 1 km on foot every day to catch a bus to her college, Priti continues this physically exhausting and mentally draining journey to make her dream come true. The absence of higher education institutes in the village and proper conveyance to the city hinders more women from pursuing further education, despite their potential and interest.The Transformative Power of EducationPriti’s confidence and self-esteem were greatly benefited by the various training sessions in Doosra Dashak on holistic education, fundamental rights awareness, convincingly voicing one’s opinions, and computer skills. This was evident as she smoothly guided our team interactions and focus group discussions with female MGNREGA3 workers and men engaged in other activities from communities different from her own.A Beacon for ChangeCurrently, Priti is also associated with a rural development society RAJEEVIKA4 that implements self-help groups (SHGs). She trains and educates women from the village community about their rights, divides caused by gender, caste, class, and employment opportunities. Further, she motivates them towards becoming economically and mentally independent in life. Priti could have continued to focus on her journey of becoming empowered, but she truly wants to make a difference for the girls and women in her community.She is working on a large-scale project to kick-off a bus service in her village Dudhani to facilitate an easy and safe commute, especially for girls who wish to pursue higher education outside the city. Further, she promotes cottage-based industries to boost livelihood and income opportunities for village women. In addition, Priti leads six other SHGs in her village and soon plans to form a Village Level Organisation (VLO), a Gram Sangathan, which would help mobilize all women from the community and motivate them to participate actively. To work together in unity towards promoting quality education, skilling for better livelihood opportunities, and overall empowerment.Vision for the FuturePriti dreams of becoming her best version and giving back to society by working more towards the empowerment of rural girls and women in Pali, a much-needed area to be emphasized that could immensely boost the overall development of the district. With steadfast determination to pursue her goals, Priti continues to be a role model for other females from the village community to question deep-rooted regressive norms and take a stand for themselves towards leading a better life.According to her, “It is high time that people of Pali give females their well-deserved status, and small positive changes contribute to larger impacts. I am doing the same by bringing a positive shift and generating awareness about the suitable means. Also, if girls and women are educated and independent, it is beneficial for not only their families but contributes towards the development of the society and the nation as well.” *All names have been changed to protect identitiesEmpowering Through EducationIn the tapestry of Pali’s societal norms, Priti emerges as a vibrant thread, weaving a narrative of resilience, determination, and empowerment. Her story epitomizes the challenges faced by many women in rural India, yet it also illuminates the transformative power of education and individual agency. As we unravel the layers of Priti’s journey, we uncover not just a personal triumph but a catalyst for societal change.Nurturing ChangemakersAishwarya Srivastava, through the Realising India program at ISDM, unearthed the inspirational story of Priti, showcasing how education and determination can defy societal constraints. This narrative reflects ISDM’s commitment to nurturing changemakers who understand the intricacies of India’s developmental challenges and work towards sustainable, community-driven solutions.Realising India is a two-week structured immersion program planned for the students between Terms II and III as part of ISDM’s Context-Based Collaborative Learning (CBCL). It enables the students to develop a deep understanding of people’s lives on the district level, preparing them to design interventions.1. Practiced by the Bhil tribe, one of the largest in South Asia, Nata Pratha is a centuries-old custom still alive in several Indian states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh. It allows men to live with as many women resulting in children being abandoned by their parents. Traditionally, both the man and the woman are supposed to be married or widowed, but the custom has evolved to include single people as well. People have started misusing the Nata custom.2. Aata saata is a system where a family that enters into an alliance of their daughter only when the other family pledges to give them a daughter to be married in their family3. The Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA) is regarded as the Indian labor law and social security measure that targets to guarantee people of India the ‘right to work.4. Information about RAJEEVIKA (is this May Also ReadWomen and the chulha at rural immersionLeading the gram panchayat in a gunghat'Bahraich Ke Kisse': My story of meeting some awe-inspiring women