From charitable giving to social justice: Reimagining the role of philanthropy in IndiaRead more about From charitable giving to social justice: Reimagining the role of philanthropy in India
Partnering for systemic change: Big Indian philanthropy and its relationship with rights and advocacyRead more about Partnering for systemic change: Big Indian philanthropy and its relationship with rights and advocacy
Moving beyond charity towards philanthropy for social justice: Role of local leadership in philanthropyRead more about Moving beyond charity towards philanthropy for social justice: Role of local leadership in philanthropy
Reinventing the role of Philanthropy for Social Justice in IndiaRead more about Reinventing the role of Philanthropy for Social Justice in India
Decolonising Philanthropy: From conceptual apprehension to functional progressRead more about Decolonising Philanthropy: From conceptual apprehension to functional progress
How Philanthropy Can Enable Systems Reform for More Equitable School Education in IndiaRead more about How Philanthropy Can Enable Systems Reform for More Equitable School Education in India
Why students need to be educated about philanthropyRead more about Why students need to be educated about philanthropy