Ashraf is one of the co-founders of Pravah, and ComMutiny the Youth Collective both organisations working deeply in the field of promoting 'iniside - out' youth leadership using the 5th Space framework. With Pravah and over 100 members in the collective she has been part of shaping the youth work field in the country developing world class designs and high impact interventions with young people and youth focused organisations including promoting young women social entrepreneurs.
She is currently part of bringing together a cross sectoral formulation called the vartaLeap Coalition in India which is working towards the mission 'Every youth a Jagrik, Every space nurturing Jagriks'. Jagrik is a hindi word play that embodies the idea of a 'self awakened, aware and active citizen'. Jagriks are as invested in being the change that they work towards making happen in the world. The objective of the coalition is to build the narrative of youth leadership based on values of justice, equality, liberty and fraternity at scale with soul.
Ashraf is an Ashoka Fellow and received the Jubilant Schwab Social Entrepreneurship Award of the Year (SEOY, 2020). She was also awarded distinguished Alumni XLRI, 2015. She is also a Board and Advisory member of some key organisations in India. She is also member of the Commonwealth Alliance of Youth Work Associations (CAYWA), International Forum for Volunteering in Development (IVCO) and Catalyst 2030.
She is the co-author of 'Ocean in a Drop - Inside Out Youth Leadership' (Sage, 2013).
A graduate in Physics from Delhi University and a post-graduate in PM&IR from XLRI, Jamshedpur, Ashraf began her professional life in the field of Human Resource Development in the corporate sector.